A Nature Playschool
Oram McKay is a small, mixed-age program for children ages 2 1/2 - 5. It is outdoor based with at least 50% of the day spent in the open air. It is also play-based, promoting learning through a combination of positively guided play (a blend of adult support and child independence) and developmentally appropriate instruction offered both individually and in groups.
We believe…that each child is a uniquely gifted individual to be respected and valued for who they are and met where they are in their development.
We believe…the environment should be engaging and reflective of the children’s developmental needs and personal interests.
We believe…in offering freedom of movement and choice in a daily schedule that is flexible but predictable.
We believe…in the importance of well qualified teachers and developing a close, positive relationship with each student to be able to support them in their individual paths of growth and development.
Mission/Vision- to provide a safe, nurturing, respectful, and engaging early learning environment that supports individual growth and development, wholly preparing students for future learning.
“A growing body of evidence indicates that direct exposure to nature is essential for physical and emotional health…Children need nature for the healthy development of their senses, and, therefore, for learning and creativity.”
Richard Louv, Last Child in the Woods
“Vygotsky argued that play was a central activity to preschool and that without it children did not develop the creativity, self-regulation, and other underlying skills necessary for later development. “
Elena Bodrova & Deborah Leong, Tools of the Mind
Oram McKay strives to guide the children in meeting the WaKIDS GOLD Learning Objectives by their third year. A comprehensive curriculum plan is followed to provide a framework to meet these goals. Every year we will enjoy multicultural holiday fun, learn about caring for each other and our world, and explore geography, science, music, math, language, and art reflecting our various units of study.
Oram McKay offers a 4-day morning program from 9:00-1:00, Tuesday – Friday and a 5-day option Monday - Friday.
The school year is 10 months (40 weeks), beginning in 2025 on August 21st through June 19, 2026. It closes for Labor Day Monday, November 27th and 28th for Thanksgiving break, December 22nd - January 2nd for winter break, March 25th - 27th for spring break, and Memorial Day Monday.
Summer Camp will be held from July 7th - 25th, Monday - Friday, 9:00 - 12:30.
Current and registered students, siblings, and alumni ages 2 - 8 only are accepted.
Monthly tuition is $800 from September - June for the 4-day option and $1000 for the 5-day option. This is an all-inclusive rate that covers registration and materials fees. There are no additional fees or parent participation required.
Enrollment & Registration
An opening is available for immediate enrollment!
Registration is now open for the 2025/2026 school year. There are few spots open so please email orammckay@gmail.com if you are interested in registering your child.
A meet and greet tour will be scheduled as the first step. Documents required for registration are as follows: a completed Registration Form, a signed Policies and Procedures Agreement Form, and a current Immunization Form from your pediatrician (up-to-date immunizations are required for all children before enrollment).
Your child’s place is secured upon receipt of the Registration Form and Agreement Form which are sent out after the tour. The Immunization Form is due by the first day of school on August 21st. There is no registration fee. Your first month’s tuition is due in full on September 1st.
Mrs. Jondra and Mrs. Smith, team teaching since 2017
“Teacher retention has been linked to increased language skills in students and improved social and emotional development. These improvements…increase a child’s success rate in kindergarten.” Allison Mellott
Barbi-Jo Oram Smith & Jondra McKay Stimson, Co-directors/Co-teachers
Barbi-Jo holds a BA in criminal justice with a focus on juvenile justice. She made the switch to teaching in 1986 when she discovered the hopeful joy of working with younger children. She earned her Montessori Preprimary certification through the American Montessori Society in 1990 and after 8 years working in Montessori preschools, opened her own, Sunshine Montessori, which she ran from 1994-2003. She then moved to Bainbridge Island and spent the next 12 years raising and homeschooling her 3 children. In 2016 the time was right to open her next school, Seabold Preschool, to continue her life pursuit of positively guiding children. In 2021 she decided to jump back into school and earned her M.Ed. in Early Childhood Program Administration in June 2023. Seabold Preschool became Oram Mckay Nature Playschool in August 2023 to reflect her and Jondra’s shared passion for the benefits of outdoor/play-based education.
Jondra’s love of teaching began in childhood as she played with her eight younger siblings creating fun activities, helping with homework, and taking them on new experiences. She enjoyed school and thrived in math and science, leading her to a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering. After 12 years as an engineer, she was thrilled to make family her full-time job, raising her daughters Syna and Tia. The joy of creating a fun, exciting, new world for her children reminded her of her love of teaching. As her daughters grew up, she found time to help other children as a nanny, school volunteer, childcare provider of Mom's Morning Retreat / Moms of Preschoolers, Girl Scout leader, and camp director. Jondra and Barbi-Jo had a growing friendship through their children with playgroups, La Leche league, and as Girl Scout co-leaders. So, when offered the opportunity to work with Barbi-Jo at Seabold Preschool she jumped at the chance, thrilled to begin her teaching career. As an educator, Jondra understood the importance of education and worked to earn her M.Ed. in Early Childhood Education also in June 2023. Now with the support of her education and a fabulous co-teacher, she is thrilled to be part of the lovely growth and development of Oram McKay Nature Playschool.
Our Awesome Helpers:
Syna Stimson (Fridays): Syna is an honors graduate from BHS and is in her senior year at UW finishing her BA degree in comparative history of ideas with a minor in classical studies. Her work with the community and the students at Oram McKay have inspired her to pursue a career in education. She is excited to begin her M.Ed. at IslandWood/UW in the fall of 2025.
George Shannon (Tuesdays and Wednesdays): George is our beloved Island Treasure who has a background as a children’s librarian, professional storyteller, children’s book author, and most recently classroom assistant at The Island School. We are thrilled to have him share his gentle, humorous ways with us all.
“Play is not only our creative drive; it’s a fundamental mode of learning.”
David Elkind
Peace Policy – Oram Mckay practices a purposeful peace policy. We strive to guide the children in behaviors and actions that promote PEACE: P - problem-solving, E - empathy, A - acceptance, C - compassion, and E - equity. This involves banning aggressive/threatening language and pretend weapon play at school, as well as discouraging viewing of violent movies and playing violent video games at home. We encourage instead cooperative, creative, and imaginative games that support PEACE.
“All students must feel safe, respected, and valued in order to learn new skills. Fear, discomfort, and anxiety are fundamentally incompatible with the learning process, and make teaching and learning difficult. Successful classrooms are those in which students feel supported in their learning, willing to take risks, challenged to become fully human with one another, and open to new possibilities.” Mara Sapon-Shevin